In this study, the effect of nanoparticle concentration was tested for both CuO\nand TiO2 in eutectic mixture of sodium and potassium nitrate. Results showed an\nenhancement in specific heat capacity (Cp) for both types of nanoparticles (+10.48% at\n440 �°C for 0.1 wt % CuO and +4.95% at 440 �°C for 0.5 wt % TiO2) but the behavior\ntoward a rise in concentration was different with CuO displaying its highest enhancement\nat the lowest concentration whilst TiO2 showed no concentration dependence for three of\nthe four different concentrations tested. The production of cluster of nanoparticles was\nvisible in CuO but not in TiO2. This formation of nanostructure in molten salt might promote\nthe enhancement in Cp. However, the size and shape of these structures will most likely\nimpact the energy density of the molten salt.